Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Most Inspirational Pins!

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
Hello there! How is everyone?! It's officially summer. How awesome is that? The sun is out and it's a time for relaxing. I've been thinking about how much in love I am with my inspiration board on Pinterest (click here to see it!). It's filled with words and photos that I love and anything that inspires me to keep on bein' me! I picked out 4 of my favorite quotes/sayings in the board to share with y'all. I hope you all enjoy!
HEY! Hot weather=hot tempers. And no matter what the weather is, there are always going to be people with nasty vibes. You can't change them, so it's now YOUR JOB to make sure YOU are the one oozing with positivity and it'll rub off.

This is such a cliche, buuuut... how can someone love you if you don't love yourself??!!!? You should never ever never ever EVER NEVER EVER rely on someone else to make you happy. You're just asking for a shredded heart. You come first, so you make sure that you are happy and especially before getting into any relationships.

What I have to say on this matter is very short, but it is probably one of the most important quotes in this post:

You cannot control another person's thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control yours and don't let anyone take that from you. You are in control. Period.

I LIVE BY THIS!! Let the small things go. When an issue comes up, something that's really got you boiling, think about it! Will this matter  year from now? You'll be surprised how many times the answer to this question is a flat NO!

Thank you for letting me share these with you guys. Again, there's a lot more (and even more to come) on my 'inspiration' board.

I'll see you guys later!

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